Our favorite shape?...

I started designing DINO during a time when fast-fashion didn't yet have a name.

The wear-and-toss mindset was emerging, as mass consumption took the craft out of making. 

Sustainability was a buzz-word that felt distant and scientific. 

And fashion was more about looking good, and less about doing good

It's become crystal clear to me through the years of doing DINO, that we have the power to make change. We have the power to change the direction of all of the products we consume, and the only direction we were willing to take when designing DINO, is circular. Whether it's food or fashion, someone, somewhere has to digest the waste. And, while consuming clothing, we have the option to choose fast-fashion or slow-cooked. As a maker, and consumer, it all starts with us. 

So how, you ask, can we as individuals make an impact? As Consumers, we have the choice to support brands and products who advocate and educate for ethical change. Whether it's human rights, animal rights, or earth rights, change starts with us. As a designer, I have the knowledge to make tweaks in our supply chain so that we create cleaner clothing options to choose from. As a manufacturer, I have the knowledge and resources to make soft clothing with soft impact by choosing our suppliers and materials wisely. It's my responsibility as a designer to design the waste out of fashion. 


What makes us circular? 

1. We use earth-friendly fabrics made of fiber extracted from the Beech Tree, making our fabrics biodegradable. 

2. We never us petroleum-based synthetic fibers, like polyester, even if they are recycled. Plastic is plastic, and the earth CANNOT digest it. 

3. Our entire supply chain - from fabrics to finished product - is local, reducing our carbon footprint by limiting transportation pollution. 

4. We work with small family owned-and-operated factories, bringing jobs to our local economy. 

5. We are small-batch manufacturers. We make what we sell and we sell what we make, which means there is little to no excess in materials or finished product.