The Fashion Revolution


It has always been a mission of ours to work with like-minded, heart-centered companies. Be it sustainability, charity, or conscious business practices, kindness to community and to the Earth permeates everything we do. This way of thinking was never a marketing strategy, it was simply at the core of DINO from day one. 

Following the devastating effects of the Rana Plaza factory collapse that killed 1138 people in 2013, a Fashion Revolution was born, bringing farm and consumer together to expose and affect change in the global textile supply chain. Every April, we are just one of the countless brands, global designers, academics, writers, business leaders, policymakers, retailers, marketers, producers, makers, workers and fashion lovers who come together either in person or virtually to educate and advocate for change. We are the industry and we are the public. We are world citizens. We are you.

Join the revolution:

The Garment Worker Diaries is a yearlong research project focused on the lives and wages of garment workers in Cambodia, Bangladesh and India.